Prayerful Living

Then her affection was in the soft sofa cushions, clean linens, and good meals; her memory in well-stocked storeroom cabinets and the pantry; her intelligence in the order and healthfulness of her home; her good humor in its light and air. She lived her life not only through her own body but through the house as an extension of her body; part of her relation to those she loved was embodied in the physical medium of the home she made.

+Cheryl Mendelson for Home Comforts : The Art and Science of Keeping House

One of the best ways we can show love to our families is by creating a home that functions well and meets the needs of its inhabitants. Clean, tidy spaces as well as healthy meals and prayerful words are the essentials for creating a little church. I love how St. Paisios notes that prayer should be done alongside household tasks. He talks about his mother crossed the meals she made so as to bless them and prayed the Jesus Prayer when completing the chores and handling conflict between the children. Christ should be the center of everything we do- even the most mundane of tasks. By tending to the household we provide sanctuary to our families and foster an environment of peace which is optimal for prayerful living.


Setting The Tone


Prayerful Space