Marriage, A Royal Calling
The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together. Men will take up arms and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of this love…because when harmony prevails, the children are raised well, the household is kept in order, and neighbors, friends and relatives praise the result. Great benefits, both for the family, and the state are thus produced. When it is otherwise, everything is thrown into confusion and turned upside down.
+St. John Chrysostom (Homily 20)
I love these icons above our bed. They’re a constant reminder that we are to imitate Christ and the Theotokos, the King and Queen of heaven, the Bridegroom and the Bride. As the leaders of our household, my husband and I are the royalty of our homes. We were crowned as such the day our marriage was blessed. It’s our duty to ensure our household reflects the light of Christ.